We’ve seen a lot of restaurants come and go during our time supporting this industry. Some become successful overnight and others make a good start, then dwindle until they disappear and fall by the wayside, entirely.

Something that we’ve noted is that the ones that are successful have a handful of practices in common. Not only do they score highly at putting in a high level of dedication, but they also have these rules at play:

1. Restaurant customers think they are noteworthy

Developing an eatery into a place that people talk about and recommend to others is what is at the core of success for many. However, this is far easier to hope for than to implement. Most restaurants are boring and don’t have the attractive appeal that keeps it on the airwaves of word of mouth.

2. Good menu planning

Keeping it simple but delicious is the secret. You don’t need reams of choices available. Just ten or so excellent main courses with a vegetarian option means that you’ll be able to stay focused on having the freshest of ingredients and you’ll be the master of those dishes.

3. Restaurant customer covers

Keeping profits in mind, it’s important to be able to get a good number of people seated in one sitting. It’s all about margins and designing a layout that is expansive, whilst staying elegant is going to help.

4. Your sign

5 Signposts For A Successful Restaurant

In line with how well your food is presented, the sign must deliver a fresh and clean message. The more appealing the sign is, the more people will stop for a bite.

5. Tracking table bookings

As with any type of marketing, it’s essential to track table bookings. You’ll be able to understand whether any increase correlates with a campaign that you had in place, or with holidays or special occasions and use these to boost your future takings.

Here at TastyIgniter, it’s always been a dream to own a restaurant later in life. Although it’s not going to happen right now, these rules are going to be what are used to create a successful restaurant.