TastyIgniter 2.0.0 Changelog
For TastyIgniter Version 2.0 released on the 15 th March 2016, a number of settings and features were added and updated. A number of bugs were also fixed.

For TastyIgniter Version 2.0 released on the 15th March 2016, a number of settings and features were added and updated. A number of bugs were also fixed. All the changes are as follows. Upgrading from the previous TI version, 1.4, should be seamless.
ADDED Features
- Initial TI setup now automatically generates a random 9 length alpha-numeric string for database table prefix. An encryption key is generated and added to the config file.
- In system settings, Admin can now select a page to display terms and conditions to the customer during Registration and Checkout
- New extension configuration meta items – title, version and permission rules.
- Featured Menu Items Module: Admin can now display a featured menu item on the website Homepage or anywhere on the storefront
- Admin can now set date and time format to display for their site
- Restaurant Image Gallery: Admin can now add multiple images to be displayed on the storefront
- New mail templates to send emails to Admin on new customer registration and Admin password reset
- New mail templates variables (site_logo, site_url, staff_name, staff_username, status_name, status_comment, order_payment)
- New payment extension: Authorize.Net (AIM) Payment gateway
- Admin can now enable or disable a new customer review entry, and existing reviews can now be displayed on the storefront
- New Invoicing Options: Option to automatically or manually generate invoice number with a prefix. Admin can now set invoice prefix automatically or manually
- New admin setting to set 'processing' order status. This enables the system to start stock reduction and coupon redemption
- New admin setting to display or hide stock warning messages
- New admin setting to allow customers to order and checkout a menu even if it is not in stock
- New Taxation Options: Admin can now enable or disable the option to calculate taxes based on set percentage. Taxation can now be added on menu prices or separately.
- Location Settings: New option to automatically fetch or manually add latitude and longitude points
- Custom error views: override default error views within custom theme by copying the errors folder into the themes/your-custom-theme/ folder
- Theme: Admin can now add or delete themes in the backend
- Local Module: Admin can switch between multi and single locations, with the location search disabled in single mode.
- Config helper to write configuration value like encryption key into config file
- System Events: hooks to allow you integrate your custom modifications into various points within TastyIgniter’s execution
- Categories: Status field has been added to enable or disable selected category to be visible in the storefront
- Location Library: Delivery area now automatically changes when customer's delivery address changes during checkout
- Extension Library: New method to migrate module migrations to the current version
- Auto update functionality: Updates core files (default controllers, languages, themes, and core extensions). Few more features to be added.
- User library: New method to check logged staff is allowed to view transactions from all locations or a specified location.
- Permission: new rule (Site.Updates) to give or restrict permission to staff to manage system updates
- Installer Library: New method to retrieve current system info, such as TI version, php and mysql version
- Installer Library: New upgrade method to install database migration and update core version after updating core files
- TastyIgniter News feed: admin now has access to latest news from TastyIgniter right from their dashboard.
- User Library: New method to retrieve currently logged staff email
- Currency: Admin setting to set left or right symbol placement, thousand and decimal.
- TastyIgniter Licensed changed from Apache to GNU GPLv3
- Replaced file_get_contents with CURL. This solved the issue with google maps geocoding API requests.
- Template Library: Renamed loadPartial() method to loadView() to load single views without header, footer and partials
- Permissions Model: Renamed addToStaffGroup() method to assignPermissionRule() and moved into Staff groups Model
- Terms and conditions during registration and checkout will now be displayed in modal as opposed to a new window.
- Image manager: interface design has been adjusted
- PayPal Express Module: Moved getPayPalDetails() method from deprecated Payments model into Paypal model within the PayPal Express extension
- Pages: Page name redundancy has now been removed. Only page title and heading are now required when creating a new page
- Extensions model: Changed updateExtension() method parameters to (type, name, data)
- Template Library: Deprecated setBackButton() and getBackButton() methods have now been replaced with setButton() and getButton() methods.
- PayPal Express Module: Return and cancel URI now hard-coded within the source instead of entering from admin setting
- Improved resize image tool to return original image sizes when width and height parameters are not present
- Admin setting to set TEXT as mail type format removed. TastyIgniter now sends only HTML emails.
- Mail Templates: Existing templates have been replaced with responsive HTML templates
- Tinymce Editor has been replaced with summernote editor to reduce total source size and to simplify editing html codes (WYSIWYG).
- Replaced fancybox with bootstrap modal to reduce total source size
- Optimize page load time: Restructured controllers so that post data is validated and sent to model at the beginning and not the end.
- Admin setting ‘Completed order status’ input field replaced with multiple select dropdown field
- Language files have now been improved to eliminate duplicate language variable names.
- Template Library: Rearranged admin navigation menu items and display third level navigation menu
- Themes: admin themes removed from admin panel, to allow focus only on storefront theme development.
- Template Library: Improved style and script tags, by appending query string to the URL so clearing browser cache is not required after upgrade
- Update Page-level DocBlock in system files
- Improved database migration such that initial data schema can be inserted while migration is running instead of after. This fixes issue where database migration upgrades are undone after running the initial schema.
- Improved system setup: Added one additional step to system setup to confirm license agreement.
- Postcode field no longer required for non-UK
- Database Maintenance: now saves database backup files into migrations/backups instead of assets/downloads as added security
- Moved load_db_config() method from TI_Config to TI_Loader core library, so that database config items are loaded earlier in the system workflow.
- Renamed admin, main and setup language file english_lang.php to default_lang.php to allow seamless translation
- Removed timezone and language settings from staff edit in admin panel
- CORE: use DIR_WRITE_MODE constant when creating directories.
- Extension: Improved add extension functionality to display upload validation feedbacks.
- Extensions model: renamed upload() to extractExtension() method.
- Extension Library: renamed uploadExtension() to addExtension() method.
- Improved storefront theme responsiveness on all devices
- Theme Customizer: added more options to easily customize the storefront
- Acceptance Testing test cases removed, and will be replaced with Unit Testing
- Cookie helper now using PHP native function to delete cookie
- Improved [local_module] strict location order and pre-order functionality.
- The system setting default address entry fields is now replaced with a dropdown list. This enables location details to be modified from one interface.
- Admin is now disabled from migrating the database when the system is in production environment
- Coupons: Improved coupon redemption capability so that all coupons are marked as redeemed after order status is updated to any of the processing order statuses.
- User library: Improved staff group strict location option and replaced setLocationAccess() to isStrictLocation() method
- Bug where extra URL query is not appended after permalink slugs in URI reverse routing
- Bug where empty value is not updated in database by using isset() instead of !empty() in models INSERT/UPDATE
- Issue where duplicate head tags are added to of Media manager
- Bug with undefined method writeTheme() in Themes that was replaced in previous version to helper function save_theme_file()
- Missing extensions admin language line
- Naming error in admin setting option complete_order_status to completed_order_status and new_order_status to default_order_status and new_reservation_status to default_reservation_status
- Issue where payment method is not disabled when order total is below the payments minimum order total
- Issue where payment method is not displayed in admin and storefront order view
- Issue where duplicate order is added upon page redirect, also remove received order from user session
- Orders model from not displaying incomplete/lost orders in customer account
- Minor bugs fix
- Issue where site is not translated to default language
- Issue where view data variable collides with theme options variable in the main app.
- Issue with permission rule not being applied when updating individual modules
- Issue with day_elapsed() helper method where it only checks the day instead of checking day and month to determine today or yesterday
- Issue with delivery charge not based on delivery address (#107)
- Issue where cart rounds thousands to the nearest unit
- Issue with special menu status
- Issue with slide-show height in storefront
- Issue where child category menu items is not displaying