Now that smartphones are so well integrated into society, it’s time to get your online presence of your restaurant mobile friendly and in tune with them. Not only are they being used to access sites such as social media, but they are also being used to perform online searches for place to eat on the go.

Not having a mobile friendly website can needlessly cost any business profits and opportunities.

This recent mobile study reports that web users are looking to use websites that are aligned to operate well with their smartphones. If they don’t find them, 48% said they feel annoyed and frustrated and this is something that will make them far more likely to leave you site and find one that will cooperate with their smartphone.

If they can find your address, telephone number and your menu or they want to put in an online order, then they’ll be happy. You might also want to keep these points in mind:

  1. Mobile responsive website – the purpose of these is that they are designed to be adaptable to whatever size screen is being used to view them. Your site will look great no matter what size the screen is, whether it’s a smartphone or a television screen! Websites that aren’t responsive will lose web visitors through frustration. If they cannot view the menu, then it could put them off coming to your restaurant too.
  2. Mobile friendly website – in these times mobile device use is still on the rise. More than 50% of google searches are performed from mobile devices. Brands that cater to mobile users enjoy a better reputation as being modern and putting the customers at the forefront of their operations. This is something that will be evident in your P&L.
  3. Your search engine results will improve – it’s well known that Google prefers sites that cater to mobile users. For your efforts you will be rewarded with an improved search engine ranking. Sites that aren’t designed for mobile use frustrate and annoy users, so they support their web searchers by presenting those that are mobile-friendly first.
  4. Social media users use mobiles - according to ComScore’s recent study, 55% of social media use occurs on a mobile. By supporting this and providing links to your social media accounts from your website, you can enjoy higher conversion rates and increased sharing about your restaurant.
  5. Speed helps – if your site is taking too long to load, then users will leave it. The current recommendation from Google is for it to take just one second to load content above the fold on a mobile device, with the rest of the page loading in under 2 seconds.

In summary, if you’ve got a restaurant it’s needs to have a mobile friendly website. Online searchers check out menus whilst they are on the go and you need to be ready and waiting to help them to decide to visit you. Those restaurants with mobile friendly websites will enjoy more business.

If you’re looking to boost your restaurant’s online presence through online ordering and online reservations – check out