Is your restaurant relevant in the mobile age?
It is no secret that modern times have led to a mobile age. People are now using their mobiles for more than just a call or a text. They are on the go shopping, social media and communication tools. Capable of taking amazing pictures as well as organising your life.

It is no secret that modern times have led to a mobile age. People are now using their mobiles for more than just a call or a text. They are on the go shopping, social media and communication tools. Capable of taking amazing pictures as well as organising your life.
For some restaurants the change to a mobile world has been relatively easy. However, there are still a vast number of smaller restaurants that are finding themselves less than relevant in the mobile world.
With this in mind, we have put together some of the ways that you can make sure that your restaurant is mobile ready and make the most of the world on the go!
Instagram and other restaurant friendly social media
Have you ever taken a picture of your food in a restaurant and shared it on social media? Or seen a customer do this? Social media has become a huge part of many of our lives, so it is important to try and make it work for us. For restaurants, one of the best forms of social media to embrace is Instagram.
This is a picture sharing site that allows people to upload images with a variety of hashtags. These hashtags can then link into something else, creating a sharing network.
A great way to take advantage of this is to ask your customers to share a photo on Instagram and hashtag your restaurant. You could offer a free prize draw for those that do this, or simply a discount for “caring and sharing”.
The same could apply for those that check in on Facebook or tweet something about you!
Responsive website design
So many people now turn to their mobile when they need to look something up, surf the web or find out the best place to eat. This means that having a responsive website for your restaurant is key. Responsive website design is when a website can be perfectly viewed on both a mobile and a desktop.
It is making sure that you have all the key information in an easy to access format. It is an easier to view form of your website and allows your customers to see what you can offer whilst they are on the go.
Text marketing
There are a variety of forms of marketing out there at the moment. However, it seems that as the use of mobiles increases, so does text marketing. Text marketing works much the same as email marketing. However, you simply send the basic information of a deal, offer or promotion to mobile numbers on your database.
This could be in the form of money off in the restaurant or perhaps an up coming event that you are holding. The big benefit of text marketing is that as everyone has their phone on them, they are much more likely to see it than in an email!
Loyalty apps
Customers like to be rewarded for being loyal, which is why many restaurants offer a loyalty card. You can take this right into the modern age by having a loyalty app that customers can download to their phone. Every time they visit you, they can use the app to collect points ready to cash in at a later date.
It is much easier for them as there is no chance that they will lose it as they would a card, and for you it allows another route for marketing your restaurant.
So, there you have it. The best ways to bring your restaurant right into the modern and mobile world! Why not see if any of them work for you?