Extend the checkout experience with coupons and discount codes.
The TastyIgniter Coupons extension allows you to offer discounts and rewards to your customers, enhancing their dining experience and boosting your sales. With a variety of coupon types and advanced usage restrictions, you can tailor your promotions to fit your business needs.
You can install the extension via composer using the following command:
composer require tastyigniter/ti-ext-coupons:"^4.0" -W
Run the database migrations to create the required tables:
php artisan igniter:up
This extension provides a cart condition that allows you apply coupons to the cart. To enable the coupon condition:
cart conditionTo create a new coupon, navigate to Marketing > Coupons and click the New Coupon
button. You can configure the coupon details, such as the discount type, amount, and usage restrictions.
Once you have created a coupon, customers can apply it during checkout by entering the coupon code in the cart.
You can apply a coupon to a cart instance by using the coupon
cart condition. Here is an example of how to apply a coupon to the cart from your frontend component:
use Igniter\Cart\Facades\Cart;
$couponCondition = Cart::getCondition('coupon');
$couponCondition->setMetaData(['code' => $code]);
And check if the coupon condition is valid and has been applied to the cart totals using the isValid
if (Cart::getCondition('coupon')->isValid()) {
// Do something...
You can also clear the coupon from the cart using the removeCondition
You may want to programmatically redeem a coupon when a customer completes an order. You can do this by using the redeemCoupon
method on the order model:
use Igniter\Cart\Models\Order;
// A new pending order is created
$order = Order::create($attributes);
// Log the coupon history using the coupon cart condition
$couponCondition = Cart::conditions()->get('coupon');
// Add a coupon total to the order_totals table, required for the coupon to be redeemed
'code' => 'coupon',
'title' => 'Coupon',
'value' => -10.0,
'priority' => 100,
'is_summable' => true,
// Redeem the coupon by setting the status on the coupon history to true
The Coupons extension registers the following permission:
: Control who can manage coupons in the admin area.For more on restricting access to the admin area, see the TastyIgniter Permissions documentation.
The Coupons extension triggers the following events:
: Triggered before applying a coupon to the cart. Passes the coupon code as argument.couponHistory.beforeAddHistory
: Triggered before adding a coupon history record. Passes the coupon history model, coupon cart condition object, customer model, coupon model as arguments.admin.order.couponRedeemed
: Triggered after a coupon has been redeemed on an order. Passes the coupon history model as argument.Here is an example of hooking an event in the boot
method of an extension class:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
public function boot()
Event::listen('igniter.cart.beforeApplyCoupon', function ($code) {
// ...
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
If you encounter a bug in this extension, please report it using the Issue Tracker on GitHub.
Contributions are welcome! Please read TastyIgniter's contributing guide.
For reporting security vulnerabilities, please see our our security policy.
TastyIgniter Coupons extension is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.