You can install the extension via composer using the following command:
composer require tastyigniter/ti-ext-coupons:"^4.0" -W
Run the database migrations to create the required tables:
php artisan igniter:up
Getting started
This extension provides a cart condition that allows you apply coupons to the cart. To enable the coupon condition:
- Navigate to the Manage > Settings > Cart Settings admin settings page
- Switch to enable the
cart condition - Navigate to the Marketing > Coupons admin page to manage coupons
To create a new coupon, navigate to Marketing > Coupons and click the New Coupon
button. You can configure the coupon details, such as the discount type, amount, and usage restrictions.
Once you have created a coupon, customers can apply it during checkout by entering the coupon code in the cart.
Applying coupons to the cart
You can apply a coupon to a cart instance by using the coupon
cart condition. Here is an example of how to apply a coupon to the cart from your frontend component:
use Igniter\Cart\Facades\Cart;
$couponCondition = Cart::getCondition('coupon');
$couponCondition->setMetaData(['code' => $code]);
And check if the coupon condition is valid and has been applied to the cart totals using the isValid
if (Cart::getCondition('coupon')->isValid()) {
// Do something...
You can also clear the coupon from the cart using the removeCondition
Redeeming coupons
You may want to programmatically redeem a coupon when a customer completes an order. You can do this by using the redeemCoupon
method on the order model:
use Igniter\Cart\Models\Order;
// A new pending order is created
$order = Order::create($attributes);
// Log the coupon history using the coupon cart condition
$couponCondition = Cart::conditions()->get('coupon');
// Add a coupon total to the order_totals table, required for the coupon to be redeemed
'code' => 'coupon',
'title' => 'Coupon',
'value' => -10.0,
'priority' => 100,
'is_summable' => true,
// Redeem the coupon by setting the status on the coupon history to true
The Coupons extension registers the following permission:
: Control who can manage coupons in the admin area.
For more on restricting access to the admin area, see the TastyIgniter Permissions documentation.
The Coupons extension triggers the following events:
: Triggered before applying a coupon to the cart. Passes the coupon code as argument. -
: Triggered before adding a coupon history record. Passes the coupon history model, coupon cart condition object, customer model, coupon model as arguments. -
: Triggered after a coupon has been redeemed on an order. Passes the coupon history model as argument.
Here is an example of hooking an event in the boot
method of an extension class:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
public function boot()
Event::listen('igniter.cart.beforeApplyCoupon', function ($code) {
// ...