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Dine In

Enables service to tables and waiter order types

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Dine-in / Waiter service

Enables the addition of two new order types:

  • order from tables (dine-in)
  • order by staff (waiter-service)

Core version

:warning: This extension requires the stable version of TastyIgniter 3.0.4 to work. Do not install on earlier beta versions. :warning:


After installation you can enable Dine-in as an order type on any location using the "Enable Dine-in" field under the location settings. This will add a new order type button on the location page.

The extension assumes your Dine-in hours are the same as your opening hours.

Waiter Service

You can "Enable Waiter Service" under the location settings. This will add a new order type button on the location page, optionally only when logged into the admin panel. For speed of ordering you can also set default values for the customer fields on the checkout page.

The extension assumes your Waiter Service hours are the same as your opening hours.


To enable the table selector field on checkout copy extensions/cart/components/checkout/form.blade.php to your child theme as _partials/checkout/form.blade.php and add:


Also, remember to add the component to the page checkout/checkout

To add a component: Design > Themes > (click the sheet under active child themes) > Select Pages under Template (left dropdown), and the page checkout/checkout. Now click on the big plus and select from the dropdown the Tables Component.

Select table URL

If you want to enable table selection by QR code, copy views/_pages/dinein/choose_table.blade.php to views/_pages in your child theme folder.

Once installed a new location url is available in the format {location}/table/{id}, e.g. /default/table/22. You should direct customers to this through the use of a QR code or visible URL on the table.

This information will be stored the session under the key thoughtco.dinein, which you can access within your templates as follows:

$tableData = Session::get('thoughtco.dinein');
// ['location' => xxx, 'id' => xxx]

You can optionally pass an URL parameter ordertype to set the order type (dinein or waiter). Defaults to dinein.


This extension adds a new variable to printer dockets $table_number, which can be used if an order has been processed by Dine-in or Waiter-Service. It should be used wrapped in an @isset as follows.

TABLE: {{ $table_number }}

Locations_model functions

This extension adds some new functions to Locations_model, which may be useful for theming.

hasDinein whether or not dine-in is available

dineinSchedule the WorkingSchedule for dine-in (should be the same as opening hours)

hasWaiterService whether or not waiter service is available (requires the user to have an active admin panel session.

waiterServiceSchedule the WorkingSchedule for waiter-service (should be the same as opening hours)

Orders_model functions

This extension adds some new functions to Orders_model, which may be useful for theming.

isDineinType whether or not the order is a dine-in order

isWaiterServiceType whether or not the order is a waiter-service order

getTableNumber the table number/label associated with the order


  1.   Latest release

    Bug fix when printing order menu options

  2. 1.2.0

    Fix issues with modals in 3.5+

  3. 1.1.3

    Further revisions to support TastyIgniter 3.2.1 upwards

  4. 1.1.2

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  Includes updates and support
  30 day money-back guarantee

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