In a world where kale smoothies and quinoa bowls reign supreme, marketing your restaurant to health-conscious consumers can feel like convincing a dog to take a bath.

Indeed, food is often about indulgence, so how can you convince people a health-conscious offering is the way forward? In actuality, more people are conscious of what they eat than ever before, with organic produce and ethical eating becoming more popular. That said, it is still a congested market, and you need to be clear on how to market your restaurant to the health-conscious customer.

Fear not. With the right strategies, your restaurant can become the go-to spot for those who care about what they eat. Here's how you can cater to the health-conscious crowd without losing your mind or your flavor.

Know Your Audience

Health-conscious consumers prioritize their health and well-being when making food choices. You need to know what they are looking for so you can deliver the correct message to them and entice them.

Some of the things they are looking for include:

  • Nutrient-dense foods
  • Organic and non-GMO options
  • Plant-based meals
  • Low-calorie and low-fat options

Understanding these preferences is key to attracting this audience.

However, you may deliver specific menus for certain health benefits, such as a vegan menu or menus directed at specific conditions and health concerns. If that is the case, you need to market those cleverly.

For instance, 74% of the UK population needs corrective eyewear. That may be glasses or contact lenses, including reading glasses like Ray-Ban Optics or standard prescription glasses from your local store. As a restauranteur, you may have crafted a menu around nutrition for eye health for this reason and want to make it clear to your audience. Similarly, you may be creating a menu that helps combat heart disease - more than three million people in the UK suffer from that. If that were the case, you'd market the specific ingredients which help combat the condition.

Knowing your specific market is hugely important.

Market Your Healthy Offerings

Now that you know your market, it's time to consider what you wish to promote. Almost certainly, you'll want to promote the ingredients that make you stand out from the crowd.

Use Clear and Enticing Descriptions

Your menu should list healthy options and describe them in an appealing way. Instead of "salad," try "Garden-Fresh Spinach and Strawberry Salad with Balsamic Glaze." Make it sound delicious, which is the key to all good marketing.

Highlight Health Benefits

In your menu descriptions, mention the health benefits of certain ingredients. For example, if you were promoting eye health, you might say, "Our Garlic Parmesan Kale is perfect for helping you see more clearly, as well as a real treat for the tastebuds." Or, if you were focusing on heart health, you could say something like, "Love and live for longer with our Mung Dhal with Spinach, designed to be kind to your heart."

Visual Appeal

A picture is worth a thousand words. Use high-quality images of your dishes in marketing materials and on social media. People eat with their eyes first! Of course, if there's an additional message, such as heart health or fighting a specific condition, you might wish to find a way to incorporate that into your promotional material.

Engage on Social Media

There are 56.2 million social media users in the United Kingdom, representing approximately 84% of the population. With such a wider reach, it makes sense to leverage this vital tool as much as possible.

Share Health Tips and Recipes

Try to post tips on healthy eating, recipes, and nutritional information on your social media channels. This positions your restaurant as a trusted source of health-related content. You can carve out your specific niche here, whether it is eating for mental wellness, foods which help keep the skin fresh and healthy, or eye health and heart condition.

Collaborate with Influencers

Try to partner with health and fitness influencers to reach a broader audience. We're not talking about 'influencers' looking for a free feed, either. Instead, a shout-out from a highly trusted influencer in your niche can boost your credibility and attract new customers.

Host Social Media Challenges

Create fun and engaging challenges like a 30-day smoothie challenge where participants post their creations using your ingredients. You might do a 30-day health eyes challenge, pushing a different recipe daily. It wouldn't have to be purely marketed at those glasses wearers if you highlighted foods promoting healthy eyes.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

While using technology to promote your offerings, it's also worth considering how technology can help you grow your business.

Implement Online Ordering

Offer a seamless online ordering experience with options to customize meals. Health-conscious consumers appreciate the ability to modify dishes to meet their dietary needs.

Utilize Apps

Partner with health-focused food delivery apps that cater to your target audience. This can help increase your visibility and reach.

Best Practice

Still unsure how to market your restaurant as a place for the health-conscious? Here are some examples of best practices.


Leon, a pioneer in the UK's health-focused fast food scene, has made a significant impact since its inception in 2004. The founders, John Vincent and Henry Dimbleby, envisioned a restaurant that served food that was both good for you and tasted great. Their marketing strategy hinges on this dual promise. The menu is packed with wholesome options like grilled chicken wraps, superfood salads, and breakfast egg pots, appealing to various dietary preferences.

Leon's commitment to sustainability is another key marketing angle; they use biodegradable packaging and source ingredients responsibly. This focus on health and environmental consciousness resonates strongly with today's consumers. Their digital presence is also robust, with engaging content that educates and inspires followers about healthy eating.

The Good Life Eatery

The Good Life Eatery has quickly become a beloved spot for health enthusiasts in London. This café chain is renowned for its nutrient-packed menu, which caters to vegans, vegetarians, and gluten-free diets.

Their menu features a range of health-boosting dishes such as acai bowls, cold-pressed juices, and protein-rich salads. The stylish, modern interiors of their cafes, combined with the aesthetically pleasing presentation of their food, make them highly Instagrammable, attracting a young, trendy crowd and playing with social media marketing. Indeed, social media plays a pivotal role in their marketing strategy, with beautifully curated feeds that highlight their colourful dishes and wellness tips, fostering a strong online community. Collaboration with fitness influencers and wellness bloggers further enhances their credibility and reach.


Camilla Fayed launched Farmacy in 2016, and today, it is at the forefront of the plant-based movement in the UK. It champions the idea that food should be both delicious and nourishing. Farmacy's marketing strategy is deeply rooted in its commitment to plant-based, organic ingredients.

The restaurant's branding exudes a sense of wellness and sustainability, with a menu that boasts dishes free from dairy, refined sugars, and additives. Signature items like their Earth Bowls and plant-based burgers are healthy and packed with flavour, challenging the notion that healthy food is bland. Their marketing efforts extend beyond just food; they actively promote a holistic lifestyle, hosting events and workshops on wellness topics.


To conclude, these are the methods you should be using to market your restaurant to health-conscious eaters:

  • Understand your audience: Know what health-conscious consumers look for in their meals.
  • Market your healthy offerings: Use enticing descriptions, highlight health benefits, and share high-quality images.
  • Engage on social media: Share health tips, collaborate with influencers, and host engaging challenges.
  • Use technology: Implement online ordering and partner with health-focused delivery apps.