You can add more restaurant locations to your TastyIgniter account if you run a restaurant chain and want to manage them seamlessly from a central point.
Go to Restaurant > Locations > New > Enter details for the following fields > Save.
Name: Enter your restaurant name.
Description: Briefly tell people about your restaurant and what they can expect.
Slug: Enter the name you want to appear on your unique TastyIgniter URL(typically at the end of the URL); For example,
Email/Telephone: Enter the email and phone number your customers can contact you on.
Image: Upload your restaurant logo.
Address: Enter your restaurant address.
City/State: Enter the city/state your restaurant is situated.
Postcode: Enter the city or state postcode.
Country: Select the country that your restaurant is situated from the country dropdown.
Automatically fetch lat/lag: Disable or Enable the system to automatically fetch your restaurant's latitude and longitude.
Latitude & Longitude: Enter the latitude and longitude of your restaurant's location. You can find the coordinates on Google Map.
Status: Disable or Enable this location for your TastyIgniter account.
Description: Provide accurate information on the restaurant, what you offer and what your customers should expect.
- You cannot have different brands, domains or templates on one TastyIgniter account.
- You can configure Settings, Payment and Gallery for this new restaurant.