As a restaurant on TastyIgniter, it is vital to provide accurate address and contact details to enable customers to contact you at all times for different purposes. This basic information includes your restaurant's email, telephone, address etc.
To set up your restaurant address and contact data, go to Restaurant > Locations > Enter the required detail for the following fields > Save.
Name: Enter your restaurant name.
Description: Briefly tell people about your restaurant and what they can expect.
Slug: Enter the name you want to appear on your unique Tastyigner URL(typically at the end of the URL); For example,
Email/Telephone: Enter the email and phone number your customers can contact you on.
Image: Upload your restaurant logo.
Address: Enter your restaurant address.
City/State: Enter the city/state your restaurant is situated.
Postcode: Enter the city or state postcode.
Country: Select the country that your restaurant is situated from the country dropdown.
Automatically fetch lat/lag: Disable or Enable the system to automatically fetch your restaurant's latitude and longitude.
Latitude & Longitude: Enter the latitude and longitude of your restaurant's location. You can find the coordinates on Google Map.
Status: Disable or Enable this address and contact for your restaurant
- Ensure that all the information you enter is accurate.
- Upload a clear image of your logo.
- For your Slug, use only alpha-numeric lowercase characters, _ or - and make sure it is unique globally.