Increasing Sales - Restaurant Marketing
How Can Twitter Help With Restaurant Marketing?
Over the years Twitter has definitely grown in popularity. It has become the social media platform of choice for a variety of different industries, but one that may not realise quite how useful it is are restaurants

Over the years Twitter has definitely grown in popularity. It has become the social media platform of choice for a variety of different industries, but one that may not realise quite how useful it is are restaurants. This is a huge mistake, as Twitter offers up a great variety of social media for restaurants.
Compared to other forms of restaurant social media, it is easy to use and gives you a simple way to boost your restaurant marketing.
So, with this in mind, we have put together why we think that Twitter can help with restaurant marketing and restaurant promotions. Making sure that your restaurant is the success that you want it to be.
It allows you to post images
Of course, any social media gives you the ability to share images. But Twitter makes this nice and easy. They also seem to be more effective, and noticeable on the newsfeed then the standard tweet.
This is great for restaurant marketing, you can use Twitter to share images of your amazing creations, get your customers mouths watering and make sure that they are tempted to come and spend some time in your restaurant.
Don’t forget videos too
The world of video marketing is growing, and this is something that should definitely be utilised by restaurants. You can use videos to make an all important announcement, or perhaps showcase some of your staff. But just make sure that you make it nice and simple.
Don’t be afraid to have a personality
Some of the most popular marketing campaigns have a touch of humour injected into them. Or at the very least a bit of a personality. Don’t think that you always have to be dry with your Tweets, and despite only have a few characters at your disposal, you can still inject a touch of a smile to what you say!
Unveil a competition
Twitter is an easy way to get people to engage with you, a retweet doesn’t take long at all and offers you a chance for another avenue of restaurant promotion. Offer a free meal for anyone who retweets within 24 hours, or perhaps ask for followers to caption an image that you can then share with a wider network. You may be surprised by what you can achieve.
Whilst Facebook and Instagram has become more and more popular over recent years, that doesn’t mean that Twitter isn’t still as popular. So, if you want to add another form of social media for restaurant, why not give Twitter a go?